Annabeth Fights Clarisse - Humanoidpanic - Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms (2024)

Annabeth was pissed the f*ck off

She was sharpening her sword and glaring at Clarisse, who was currently sharpening her own sword

Percy was talking to Grover in the middle of the Arena
“Dude she is pissed, I haven’t seen her this pissed at anyone except…well me”

“Yeah I mean Clarrise did Rape her after all” Grover said softly, the concern filling his voice

“Yeah, but hey, this will be fun to watch” Percy said with a grin

“Yeah your wife to be fighting a giant woman with muscles the size of your head” Grover said watching Clarisse carefully

“Yeah! And they’ll be fighting to the death, with the mist obviously, in the nude!”

“Percy buddy, you’ve changed, like a lot”

“Grover last time we talked was when I taught you and Juni how to use the mist trick, which was 6 months ago? So you’re seeing me both times ready and eager to watch Annabeth either die or kill, When this is over you and I should hang out and talk better” Percy said reassuringly

“Yeah, I’d like that” Grover said with a smile

Percy then went over to Clarisse “OK big gal, you know the rules?”

“Yeah! Annabeth and I fight whoever looses is killed using the mist trick” Clarisse replied eagerly “I love to fight Annabeth, she always gives me a challenge”

“Yeah, she’s been one of the few to beat me at sword fighting, it’s great” Percy smiled

“Any other rules?” Clarisse asked

“Oh yes, Annabeth wants to fight nude” Percy lied confidently

“DEAL” Clarisse exclaimed excitedly handing percy her weapons before stripping down to nothing, her muscular body glistening with sweat from the heat, her body covered in scars and cuts, her puss* neatly shaven, a piercing in her cl*toral hood shined a brilliant gold, her nipples stiff and looked sharp, Percy had to admit, the daughter of Ares was a looker

“Ready” Clarisse said smiling wickedly

Percy handed her back the weapons and went over to Annabeth
Annabeth raised her eyebrows “Percy? Why is she naked?”

“First do you know the rules?” Percy asked

“Yeah, we fight whoever loses snuffs the other” Annabeth replies still confused

“Clarisse wanted to add, nude fighting into the rules” Percy lied

“You’re lying, but f*ck it” Annabeth handed over her weapons before stripping, no matter how many times Percy saw annabeth nude he was still amazed by her beauty, her melanated skin, her gorgeous plump tit*, 34 D if he remembered correctly, her supple ass, and by the gods does she have legs for days, a stunning beauty

It was interesting at least percy thought it was how both women could be so drastically different and yet both still sexy as anything

Annabeth took her weapons back from Percy and kissed him “Want me to lose on purpose or try to win?”

“It’s up to you baby, personally I wanna f*ck whoever loses” Percy smirked viciously “And maybe snuff the winner too”

Annabeth laughed and hugged him tight “I heard you hung Rachel?”

“Yeah but she needed to safe word, we gotta find a way to ease her into this”

“Maybe we can have her watch you and I?” Annabeth offered

“Oh yeah! That could be fun!” Percy smiled then kissed her lovingly

Annabeth kissed back and hugged him tight “I wanna hang on our wedding night”

“Sounds good my love” percy smiled “I can’t wait for next week”

“Me either!!” Annabeth smiled “Now, I gotta go either kill or get killed by Clarisse”

Percy smiled and went up to the stands to watch the two girls fight

Clarisse and Annabeth charged each other viciously

Percy watched and smiled until him and grover heard a very loud cheering from either side of them, Percy looked and sitting next to him was Athena, and sitting next to Grover was Ares

‘KICK HER ASS CLARI!” Ares called out
“WIPE THE FLOOR WITH HER ANNABETH” Athena countered before turning her attention to Percy “So, my daughter wants to hang for you?”

“Ma’am it’s not what you think I promise Ni-”

“Oh relax I know about the mist trick Aphrodite created with Thanatos and then taught to Nico” she said waving her hand dismissively “My worry though, are you taking advantage of my daughter?”

“Oh no ma’am, her and I talked thoroughly over it, and since she is getting her way with majority of the wedding plans, she offered for me to snuff her on wedding night”

“Hmmm I see, well I’m glad you two are having fun, now I have to ask though, how are you so careful as to not actually harm each other?”

“Oh we summon the weapons in the mist, unless we use a gun then we tripple check that it is empty before using the mist to create fake bullets, so essentially everything is fake, the guillotine, the gallows, everything, even an impromptu snuffing where we just slit each others throats while f*cking is all fake, no actual blades are used”

“And with your adhd you’re sure you won’t forget?”

“We have a system in place where we make the blades look like their from a movie franchise so that way we make sure that it is fake, for example we used elven blades from lord of the rings, Jason leans towards dwarven weapons from skyrim, Thalia goes towards glass weapons from skyrim, the only time I broke that rule is when Piper and I introduced the idea to Annabeth, albeit without her knowing, but even then I checked that riptide was in my pocket the whole time”

“I just worry about her and you, you two love each other with such passion that the snuffing also has such passion”

“Oh hold that thought!” Percy turned his attention to the ring where annabeth tossed her sword into the ground and used the mist to summon a daedric greatsword as Clarisse knelt on the ground in defeat

“What blade is that?!” Athena asked very interested

“Oh that’s daedric from skyrim, it’s really strong” Percy answered

Annabeth swung her blade down cutting Clarisse’s head clean off

Ares groaned angrily before vanishing back to olympus

“He is going to be a nightmare to deal with” Athena said while getting up “well enjoy, oh grover it looks as though Juniper wants you” she said pointing out Juniper at the arena entrance looking at grover

“OH Thank you Lady Athena” he bowed

“You are most welcome”

“See ya goddess in law”

“Oh I hate that” she said before vanishing as well

Percy watched grover bound over to Juniper before heading down into the arena and kissing Annabeth eagerly “Amazing job baby” he said with a huge smile

Annabeth smiled and picked up CLarisse’s head “Go sit!”

“Ok?” percy questioned before going and sitting on the nearby bleacher
Annabeth carried Clarisse’s body over to Percy before dropping the body and rushing over and taking out Percy’s dick

“Babe don’t you wanna recover first?” percy asked while helping her

“No too much adrenaline need to f*ck”

“Ok” Percy said before pinning her down and forcing her face into Clarisse’s c*nt “Eat slu*t” he commanded

Annabeth waisted no time before starting to eat Clarisse out, Percy spanked her ass hard before easing in and f*cking her thrusting in and out of her gorgeous blood stained melanated puss* “f*ck this feels good!” he moaned out but in response all he heard was muffled moaned and licking “Good girl” he purred out as he spanked Annabeth yet again

Annabeth moaned eagerly and leaned into Percy’s thrusts, she loved this man so much, and he loved her too

The couple f*cked like this for about 10 minutes before percy pulled out and flipped annabeth around and started f*cking her again only this time he could watch her tit* bounce with each thrust

Annabeth moaned and looked at where she was leaning against clarisse in the new position and found herself face to tit with the daughter of Ares. Percy used the mist and conjured up an elven dagger from the lort series gently rubbing the blent edge over Annebeths nipples

“YES BABY!” Annabeth moaned out “DO IT! SNUFF ME!!! SNUFF YOUR BRIDE TO BE!!”

Percy could feel Annabeth’s c*nt tightening against his co*ck, he knew she was close to climax, so he continued to tease her with the dagger, cutting her skin bit by bit till she had cuts all over her tit*, stomach, ass, arms, and cheek

Finally Annabeth’s back arched and her body shook as her org*sm ripped through her body, Percy could feel her juices coat his dick as he continued to f*ck her, as soon as her climax seemed to die out and she seemed satisfied Percy leaned down and made out with her before stabbing her in the heart and twisting the blade, he watched as her eyes fogged over and her body went limp before finally pulling out and dropping Annabeth’s body on top of Clarisse

Percy looked around and found Clarisse’s head and picked it up, he forced her mouth open and started to face f*ck her over her and annabeth’s cuddling bodies he moaned out feeling his org*sm building and just before her could cum he felt a hand on his back, he turned just in time to see Thalia aiming a gun at his head

“Well sh*t” he said before Thalia pulled the trigger and he fell to the ground on top of Annabeth and Clarisse

About an hour later the three of them woke up in Thalia and Jason’s cabin, Thalia happily cuddling the three of them as she slept

Clarisse stretched before grabbing annabeth and kissing her “damn good fighting Wisegirl”

“No no, only Percy can call me that” Annabeth scolded while leaning into Thalia’s arms

Percy smiled and took Annabeth’s hand and guided it to Thalia’s hard on “Give her a good morning babe”

“Yes sir” Annabeth said still clearly in submissive mode

Annabeth Fights Clarisse - Humanoidpanic - Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms (2024)


Why doesn't Percy want Annabeth's help when he gets into a fight with Clarisse? ›

**Why doesn't Percy want Annabeth's help when he gets into the fight with Clarisse? He wanted to earn his own reputation without any help.

Does Annabeth fight Percy in capture the flag? ›

During the movie Annabeth and Percy duel at the site of the red flag (after Percy accidentally finds it). Annabeth easily defeats Percy, but Percy then goes to the stream and the water heals his wounds and energizes him and helps him defeat Annabeth and all of the rest of the red team.

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Summary: Chapter Seven

Percy feels overwhelmed by his new home and everything he is learning as he continues to wonder who his father is. Annabeth tells him that although he may never know, it is important that he remain at the camp in order to protect himself from monsters and mortals.

Who does Clarisse love in Percy Jackson? ›

In The Battle of the Labyrinth Clarisse shows strong feelings for Chris Rodriguez and shows her kind and caring side to him, even before he becomes her boyfriend. Clarisse is very proud and defensive of her cabin and often defends the camp from monsters.

In what book does Annabeth cheat on Percy? ›

Percy had brief thing with Rachel and Annabeth had a thing for Luke but either than that none of what you said happened in any book. Nope. She never cheated on Percy in any book, PJ series, Kane chronicles, magnus chase series or heroes of olympus series or even trials of apolo.

Why does Annabeth push Percy in the water? ›

But between that instance and Percy's magical control over water in his bathroom fight with Clarisse, Annabeth has gathered enough evidence to realize who Percy's father is. Wise girl, that one! To prove her point, she shoves him back into the water, and we get the show's rendition of the Poseidon-claiming scene.

Does Percy get married to Annabeth? ›

Yes, Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe. How was Annabeth Chase born? Annabeth Chase is the half-blood daughter of the goddess Athena and the mortal man Frederick Chase.

Does Percy Jackson break up with Annabeth? ›

Canonically, they never broke up. I know there are many fanfictions where they broke up, but that is all in the head of the person who wrote the fanfiction. Not once did they even think about breaking up.

Who would win Percy or Annabeth? ›

A straight no holds barrel, no mercy fight would have Percy's overwhelming powers and natural talent at swordsmanship would defeat Annabeth no matter how much she planned. Say what you want about the Athena kids, they've got the least amount of actual powers.

How did Percy Jackson end? ›

Percy Jackson and the Olympians ended with Percy completing his quest and preventing the war between Zeus and Poseidon. In the finale, Percy defeats Ares and delivers Hades' Helm and Zeus' Master Bolt to their rightful owners. He convinced Zeus to call off the war against Poseidon with the help of his father.

Does Percy get his mom back? ›

Unable to rescue his mother at first, Percy defeats the Minotaur and retreats to Camp Half-Blood until he is allowed to go on his own quest with Grover and Annabeth Chase, a daughter of Athena. After ten days, Percy rescues Sally by returning the Helm of Darkness to Hades in the Underworld after a fight with Ares.

Which God is Luke's dad? ›

Luke Castellan is one of the main antagonists in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson & The Olympians series. He is a demigod son of the Greek god Hermes.

Who was Percy Jackson's girlfriend? ›

Annabeth Chase

Demigod daughter of Athena. Girlfriend of Percy Jackson. If you're stuck in Tartarus, she's the one you want on your team.

Who is Percy Jackson's girlfriend in the books? ›

Annabeth Chase is a demigod daughter of the Greek goddess Athena and girlfriend of Percy Jackson. She is one of the main protagonists in Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus.

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Blog dedicated to Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson, the cutest couple from Rick Riordan's book~1…

Why does Annabeth not like Percy? ›

In the beginning of The Lightning Thief, Annabeth is shown to dislike Percy when she finds out that Percy is the hero of the prophecy. She thinks he is weak, and is influenced by the rivalry between her mother, Athena, and Percy's father, Poseidon.

Who does Percy fail to save? ›

The prophecy thus comes true in an unexpected way: Percy fails to save what matters most by allowing his mother to save herself. Upon returning to Camp Half Blood, Percy is betrayed by his friend Luke, son of Hermes, who turns out to be the human hero whom Kronos used for the theft.

Why does Annabeth get mad at Percy? ›

To Annabeth, he was one week left to live. One week left to admit to the feelings she knows he has for her, and he's still too stupid to do or say anything. In a confused and frustrated effort to wake him the hell up, Annabeth lashes out.

Why does Clarisse not like Percy? ›

Part of Clarisse's distaste for him was who his father was, and that he had killed a minotaur without any training. Most of the kids at camp half blood had waited most of their lives to fight and kill a monster. In the second book, Percy seems to respect Clarisse, and Clarisse didn't really care about Percy.


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.