Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (2024)

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Molecular orbital theory was developed by F.Hund and R.S. Mulliken in 1932. According to molecular orbitals theory, all the atomic orbitals of combining atoms undergo mixing to form a new set of orbitals termed molecular orbitals.

Features of molecular orbital theory

The main features of molecular orbitals theory are:

  1. According to Molecular orbital theory, all the atomic orbitals of combining atoms first mix to form a new set of orbitals called molecular orbitals. Once the molecular orbitals are formed, the combing atoms lose their identity of atomic orbitals.
  2. The number of molecular orbitals formed is equal to number of atomic orbitals mixed.
  3. The molecular orbitals are formed by the linear combination of atomic orbitals.
  4. Molecular orbitals are formed by addition and subtraction overlap of atomic orbitals. The molecular orbitals formed by addition overlap are called bonding molecular orbitals and the molecular orbitals formed by substraction overlap are called anit-bonding molecular orbitals.
  5. Addition of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals tends to stabilize the molecule while addition of electrons in anti-bonding molecular orbital tends to destabilize the molecules.
  6. The shape of molecular orbitals formed depends on the shape of atomic orbital mixed.
  7. The atomic orbitals participating in the formation of molecular orbitals should have same symmetry and comparable energies.
  8. Molecular orbitals have different energy, shapes and sizes.
  9. Each electrons in the molecular orbitals can be described by its wave function Ψ and Ψ2 gives the probability of electrons density in the molecular orbitals.
  10. The bonding molecular orbital has lower energy and greater stability than anti-bonding molecular orbitals.
  11. The electrons in a molecule are present in various molecular orbital as the the electrons of atom are present in different various shells.
  12. In molecular orbitals, electrons are in influence of two or more nuclei.
  13. The molecular orbitals are filled in accordance to Aufbau principle, Pauli’s principle and Hund’s rule.

Molecular orbital theory bonding and antibonding

Bonding molecular orbitals

Bonding molecular orbital is formed by the positive overlap of atomic orbitals of combining atoms. The electron density is high between two nuclei. The formation of bonding molecular orbitals is shown below:

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (1)

Anti bonding molecular orbitals

Anti-bonding molecular orbital is formed by the negative overlap of atomic orbitals of combining atoms. The electron density is very low between the two nuclei. The formation of antibonding molecular orbitals is shown below:

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (2)

Non-bonding molecular orbitals

A molecular orbital in which the in-phase bonding atomic orbitals overlap equals the number of out-phase antibonding atomic orbitals. Electrons in a nonbonding molecular orbital are higher in energy than in a bonding molecular orbital, but lower in energy than electrons in an antibonding molecular orbital. The formation of non-bonding molecular orbitals is illustrated below;

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (3)

Difference between Bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals

The main difference between bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals are shown below:

Bonding molecular orbitalsAnti-bonding molecular orbitals
It is formed by addition overlap of atomic orbitals and represented as
It is formed by subtraction overlap of atomic orbital and represented as
It is formed by the overlap of atomic orbitals having the same sign.It is formed by the overlap of atomic orbitals having the opposite sign.
In bonding molecular orbitals, the electron density between the two nuclei is high. In anti-bonding molecular orbitals, the electron density between the two nuclei is very low.
It leads to the formation of molecules. It leads to the breaking of molecules.
It has lower energy than atomic orbitals. It has higher energy than atomic orbitals.
The addition of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals tends to increase the stability of molecules. The addition of electrons in anti-bonding molecular orbitals tends to decrease the stability of molecules.

LCAO method molecular orbital theory

According to LCAO method, molecular orbitals are formed by a linear combination of atomic orbitals which are brought by addition overlap and subtraction overlap. When two atomic orbitals combine to form molecular orbitals, the wave functions are combined both in-phase and out of phase to create one bonding molecular orbitals and one anti-bonding molecular orbitals respectively.

Let two atoms A and B combine to form a molecule AB.


i.e. Ψmo= ΨA±ΨB

where ΨA=wave function of atomic orbital of atom A,

ΨB=wave function of atomic orbital of atom B

Ψmo =wave function of molecular orbital of AB

Here, ΨbAB and Ψ*AB can be separated from Ψmo= ΨA±ΨB.

Equation ΨbAB represent the formation of bonding molecular orbital formed by the addition overlap of atomic orbitals.

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (4)

Equation Ψ*AB represents the formation of anti-bonding molecular orbital formed by subtraction overlap of atomic orbitals.

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (5)

Conditions of LCAO method

The main conditions of the LCAO method are:

  1. The atomic orbitals must have comparable energy.
  2. The atomic orbitals must overlap appreciably
  3. The atomic orbitals must have same symmetry with respect to the molecular axis.

Bond order molecular orbital theory

The bond order is defined as half of the difference between the number of bonding electrons(Nb) and antibonding electrons(Na).

Mathematically, Bond order= (Nb-Na)/2

  1. Bond order of a diatomic molecule is equal to number of bonds present between two atoms. For examples: bond oder of O2 molecule= 2
  2. Zero bond order of a moelcule represent that it is unstable and does not exit.
  3. Bond order is directly proportional to stability of molecules, bond energy but inversly proportional to bond length of molecules.

How to find bond order in molecular orbital theory

For O2 molecule:

The electronic configuration of O-atom= 1s2, 2s2, 2p4

Total electrons in O2 molecules= 16

Molecular electronic configuration of O2 molecules= σ1s2, σ*1s2, σ2s2, σ*2s2, σ2px2, π2py2=π2pz2, π*2py1=π*2pz1

Bond order= (Nb-Na)/2=(10-6)/2= 2

Bond order 2 means there is a double bond in O2 molecules.

Valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory differences

Atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals similarities

Some similarities between molecular orbitals and atomic orbitals are given below:

  1. Electron whether it is present in atomic orbitals or molecular orbitals, can be denoted by a particular wave function, Ψ.
  2. Like atomic orbitals, molecular orbitals also accommodate maximum two electrons with oppostie spin.
  3. Like atomic orbitals, the molecular orbitals also have different shapes and energy.
  4. Electrons should follow the aufbau principle,pauli’s exclusion principle and hund’s rule when it enters in Atomic orbitals or molecular orbitals.

Atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals differences

The main differences between atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals are:

Atomic orbitalMolecular orbital
In atomic orbitals, an electron is influenced by only one nucleus.In molecular orbitals, an electron is influenced by two or more nuclei.
They have simple shapesThey have complex shapes
Atomic orbitals are an inherent property of an atom.Molecular orbitals are formed by the mixing of atomic orbitals.

How to write electronic configuration in molecular orbital theory

The electrons are filled in molecular orbitals in the case of a molecule. The electrons may occupy either bonding molecular orbital or antibonding molecular orbitals. In some molecules, electrons may occupy non-bonding orbitals as well. The bonding orbitals are represented by σ and π while antibonding orbitals are represented by σ* and π*. The electronic configuration in molecular orbitals are written as:

For lighter elements(from H2 to N2)

The relative energy of molecular orbitals is


For heavier elements(O2,F2 and Ne2)

The relative energy of molecular orbitals is


Molecular orbital theory diagram

The molecular orbital diagram of flourine as example is shown below:

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (6)

formation of N2 molecule by molecular orbital theory

Each nitrogen atom has 7 electrons. Thus, the N2 molecule contains a total of 14 electrons. These electrons are arranged in molecular orbitals as:

σ1s2, σ*1s2, σ2s2, σ*2s2, π2py2=π2pz2, σ2px2, π*2py0=π*2pz0

In such molecules, the energies of π2py=π2pz orbitals are lower than σ2px orbitals.

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (7)

molecular orbital theory of O2

Each oxygen atom has 8 electrons. Thus, the O2 molecule contains a total of 16 electrons. These electrons are arranged in molecular orbitals as:

σ1s2, σ*1s2, σ2s2, σ*2s2, σ2px2, π2py2=π2pz2, π*2py1=π*2pz1

The antibonding orbitals π*2py, π*2pz are singly occupied in accordance with Hund’s rule.

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (8)

Molecular orbital theory of CO

The molecular orbital theory diagram of the CO molecule is shown below:

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (9)

molecular orbital theory video

Molecular orbital theory: Postulates, LCAO method, and molecular orbital diagram - Chemistry Notes (2024)


What is the molecular orbital theory and LCAO method? ›

The mathematical process of combining atomic orbitals to generate molecular orbitals is called the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO). Quantum mechanics describes molecular orbitals as combinations of atomic orbital wave functions. Combining waves can lead to constructive or destructive interference.

What is the molecular orbital theory short notes? ›

The molecular orbital theory represents the nature and behaviour of the chemical bonds as per the behaviour of electrons. All the bonds in the molecular orbitals are generally covalent. The bonds formed in the molecular orbitals paramagnetism between the nuclei result in lower energy.

What are the postulates of LCAO? ›

For the formation of the proper molecular orbital, proper energy and orientation are required. For proper energy, the two atomic orbitals should have the same energy of orbitals and for the proper orientation, the atomic orbitals should have proper overlap and the same molecular axis of symmetry.

What is the note on the LCAO principle? ›

The linear combination of atomic orbitals is the mathematical method of forming molecular orbitals. The LCAO method governs the orientation of an atomic orbital. It mentions that repeated overlapping of two or more atomic orbitals is the basic formation process of molecular orbitals.

What are the rules for the LCAO method? ›

Rules for the LCAO method are:
  • The same energy of combining orbitals: The combining atomic orbitals must be of equal energy or approximately same energy.
  • Same symmetry along the atomic orbital:The combining atoms should have the same symmetry along the molecular axis for proper combination.

What is an LCAO diagram? ›

A linear combination of atomic orbitals or LCAO is a quantum superposition of atomic orbitals and a technique for calculating molecular orbitals in quantum chemistry. In quantum mechanics, electron configurations of atoms are described as wavefunctions.

What are the postulates of molecular orbital theory? ›

Postulates of Molecular Orbital Theory:

The number of molecular orbitals which are formed by different bonding species is always equal to the atomic orbitals of those species.

What is molecular orbital theory pdf? ›

One approach to understanding the electronic structure of molecules is called Molecular Orbital Theory. • MO theory assumes that the valence electrons of the atoms within. a molecule become the valence electrons of the entire molecule. • Molecular orbitals are constructed by taking linear combinations.

What is the formula for the molecular orbital theory? ›

We can represent them as ΨMO = ΨA – ΨB. They have higher energy than atomic orbitals. Therefore, the combination of two atomic orbitals results in the formation of two molecular orbitals. They are the bonding molecular orbital (BMO) and the anti-bonding molecular orbital (ABMO).

What is a brief note on a molecular orbital diagram? ›

A diatomic molecular orbital diagram is used to understand the bonding of a diatomic molecule. MO diagrams can be used to deduce magnetic properties of a molecule and how they change with ionization. They also give insight to the bond order of the molecule, how many bonds are shared between the two atoms.

What is the LCAO Schrodinger equation? ›

In the simplest picture of chemical bonding, the valence molecular orbitals ϕi are constructed as linear combinations of valence atomic orbitals χμ according to the LCAOMO formula: ϕi=∑μCiμχμ.

What are the assumptions of LCAO? ›

Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)

One of LCAO's basic assumptions is that the number of molecular orbitals equals the number of atomic orbitals included in the linear expansion. Essentially, n atomic orbitals are combined to form n molecular orbitals.

Which theory is based on LCAO? ›

According to MOT (Molecular Orbital Theory), the molecular orbitals are formed by mixing of atomic orbitals through LCAO (linear combination of atomic orbitals).

What is the basic principle of the molecular orbital theory? ›

First principle: The number of molecular orbitals produced is always equal to the number of atomic orbitals brought by the atoms that have combined. Second principle: Bonding molecular orbitals are lower in energy that the parent orbitals, and the antibonding orbitals are higher in energy.

What are the applications of LCAO? ›

The LCAO approach to the MOT approximation is used in quantum-chemical simulations of periodic systems and can be applied to various calculations such as energy and forces, density functional theory, and polarizability calculations. LCAO approximation for scaling properties of the Menger sponge fractal.

What does the molecular orbital theory explain well? ›

Molecular orbital theory well explains the paramagnetic property of oxygen. Due to the presence of unpaired electrons in orbitals, oxygen with even number of electrons is paramagnetic. Valence Bond Theory cannot explain paramagnetic nature of oxygen molecule.

What is the molecular orbital theory applying? ›

Application of MO Theory

There are two major uses of the orbital pictures and energies generated from MO theory. One is to predict reactivity, and the other is to predict properties like UV spectra.

What is the theory of atomic and molecular orbitals? ›

Molecular orbital theory is a more sophisticated model for understanding the nature of chemical bonding. MO theory takes the idea of atomic orbitals overlapping to a new level, where new molecular orbitals are generated using a mathematical process called linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO).


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